Eye surgery is my passion. I work as a retinal surgeon and cataract surgeon at the Medical University, Ophthalmologic Department in Graz. My specialization includes retinal and vitreous surgery (retinal detachment) as well as cataract surgery. I am happy to assist you at the Medical University of Graz as a Consultant surgeon. Here you can find general information about different eye operations:
How is the anesthetic done during the Operation?
All eye surgeries are painless. Depending on the operation, the eye is operated by adding strong anesthetic drops, with a syringe under the eye, or in rare cases under general anesthesia. To get to the eye a Lidsperrer is used.
How long is the average hospital stay for eye surgery?
The cataract surgery as well as the intravitreal injections at the Medical University of Graz are carried out by day surgery, you do not have to spend the night in the hospital. For other operations, such as vitrectomy, overnight stay, depending on the condition, may be necessary. After the operation, drops and ointments should be used regularly. It is recommended to wear a protective shell, especially at night.
How long does the healing take?
Depending on the operation, the healing phase is between two to twelve weeks or longer. Depending on the disease and type of surgery, vision can be very good again the next day. On the day after the operation, the ophthalmologist should carry out a check of the outcome.
What do I have to consider after the Operation?
Caution is advised when the eye and/or eyelids suddenly become red after surgery, swell, cause pain, and vision loss occurs. In these cases, an ophthalmologist should be consulted immediately to prevent or treat inflammation. For the first two to three weeks, the following is prohibited:
• heavy physical activity
• rubbing and squeezing the operated eye
• swimming pool or sauna
• dirty rooms
• Reading and watching is allowed, as well as lifting up to five kilograms.
The therapy should be continued as prescribed. The eye bandage that is placed after the operation should be left until the next day. For the first week, it is recommended to wear an eye shield at night. The day after the operation, the eye must be checked by an ophthalmologist. After a retinal operation (vitrectomy) and after the temporary introduction of a gas mixture into the eye, air travel and altitude stays of more than 1000 meters must be avoided, as long as there is still gas in the eye. Otherwise it can lead to increased eye pressure and blindness.