
Vitrektomieoperation zum Verschluß des Makulalochs

Vitrectomy operation to close the macular hole

Vitreomacular traction (pulling of the vitreous body on the fovea – the thinnest part of the retina in the macula) can lead to the formation of a hole in this area. Sometimes a macular hole is also combined with a maculapucker. The therapy of the macular hole is the performance of a vitrectomy with subsequent introduction of a gas mixture into the eye. This is to allow a closure of the hole. For this it is necessary to take a certain facial position (eg lying on the abdomen or bent downwards Kop). The gas mixture dissolves by itself within a few weeks.



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Zufriedene Patienten und Patientinnen und mehr als 500 Operationen an der Augenklinik Graz pro Jahr.
