Vitreomacular diseases – epiretinal gliosis (maculapucker), macular hole and vitreomacular traction (VMT)

OCT Aufnahme des Glaskörpers in Abhebung im Bereich der Makula

OCT Aufnahme des Glaskörpers in Abhebung im Bereich der Makula

What is meant by the term vitreomacular diseases?

They are caused by changes and events in the context of a vitreous detachment. Normally, the vitreous detaches from the retina as part of the aging process. This is called a normal vitreous detachment. Vitreomacular diseases, as recognizable in the name, affect the macula. Macular hole, epiretinal membrane (maculapucker) or vitreomacular traction belong to this group.

What is the Macula?

It is also called the yellow spot. It is the part in the middle of the retina, with which we see centrally sharp and colored. The macula represents the part of the visual image we are looking at and fixate, and is therefore crucial for normal vision.

What symptoms do you notice?

The symptoms range from visual impairment, to distorted vision (metamorphopsia) to central visual field loss (scotoma).


If symptoms are minor, no therapy is indicated and regular controls are performed. Also, a macular hole and vitreomacular traction can regress spontaneously. In all other cases, surgery is the treatment of choice. One possibility is to introduce a gas into the eye. In most patients, especially with a macular hole or an epiretinal membrane, a vitrectomy is necessary.


A pull of the vitreous in the area of ​​the macula can lead to the formation of a macula hole.


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