About Dr. Mayer-Xanthaki

Being an ophthalmologist is my passion. As a Consultant ophthalmic surgeon at the Medical University of Graz, my focus is the treatment of eye tumors, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), retinal and macular diseases. My special interest is eye surgery. My specialization includes retinal and vitreous surgery as well as cataract surgery. My operations are performed at the Medical University of Graz.

Scientific research is an essential part of my job. My research interests coincide with my clinical work. For further education in both conservative and operative ophthalmology, I regularly visit national and international congresses. In December 2016, in Addition to my service at the Medical University of Graz, i I opened my private clinic in Graz with a specialisation in retinal and ophthalmic diseases.

Alongside my individual skills and know-how, in our private eye clinic we share a real commitment to providing patients with the highest levels of service and support within a unique environment. This commitment is about being not just able but also willing, about having the necessary aptitude and the vital attitude and above all about caring. It is a commitment reflected in the meticulous attention to detail as well as highest standards of Service.


  1. Iris Freckles a Potential Biomarker for Chronic Sun Damage.

    Schwab, C; Mayer, C; Zalaudek, I; Riedl, R; Richtig, M; Wackernagel, W; Hofmann-Wellenhof, R; Richtig, G; Langmann, G; Tarmann, L; Wedrich, A; Richtig, E, 2017 Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2017; 58(6)

  2. A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on the Safety of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) Inhibitors for the Treatment of Retinopathy of Prematurity.

    Pertl, L; Steinwender, G; Mayer, C; Hausberger, S; Pöschl, EM; Wackernagel, W; Wedrich, A; El-Shabrawi, Y; Haas, A, 2015 PLoS One. 2015; 10(6)

  3. New training regulation for medical doctors 2015: residents training in ophthalmology and optometry at the Department of Ophthalmology of the Medical University Graz

    Langmann, A; Langmann, G; Rabensteiner, DF; Zenz, H; Boldin, I; Hausberger, S; Langner-Wegscheider, B; Mayer, C; Poschl, EM; Wohlfart, C; Palkovits, S; Wedrich, A, 2016 SPEKTRUM AUGENHEILKD

  4. Misleading axial length measurements with the IOLMaster due to a dense posterior vitreous surface membrane and a macular edema in a diabetic patient.

    Mayer, CF; Ardjomand, N; Wackernagel, W; Velikay-Parel, M, 2013 Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2013; 251(1):387-38


  • Mayer, C; Ivastinovic, D; Ritt, V; Resch, B , 2017 Frühgeborenenretinopathie – Risikofaktoren, Management und Langzeitergebnisse Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde Supplement 2. 2017; 165( 2):S 159-S 159.-55. Jahrestagung der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendheilkunde; SEP 21-23, 2017; Graz, Austria
  • Mayer, C; Hirnschall, N; Wackernagel, W; Pregartner, G; Falb, T; Findl, O; Ardjomand, N, 2016 Late dislocation and haptic deformation of a hydrophilic intraocular lens: characteristics, incidence rates and predisposing factor. ESCRS 2016; Sept 10-14, 2016; Copenhagen, Denmark. 2016.
  • Mayer, CF; Wackernagel, W; Langmann, G, 2012 Uveal melanoma during pregnancy – a special challenge . 2012; -Biopsychosocial Medicine: Multidimensional Parallel Diagnosis and Therapy in Obstetrics; JUL 28, 2012; Venice, AUSTRIA.
  • Mayer, CF; Wackernagel, W; Langmann, G, 2012 Uveal melanoma 2012; -Melanoma Symposium – Biopsychosocial Melanoma Research – Recent Results; DEC 15, 2012; Graz, AUSTRIA. Mayer, CF; Velikay-Parel, M, 2010 Misleading axial length measurements due to a dense posterior vitreous surface membrane in a diabetic patient 2010; -World Ophthalmology Congress 2010; JUN 5-9, 2010; Berlin, GERMANY.
54Scientific presentations
1696Ambulante PatientInnen 2017
512Operations 2017

Our Team Who’s behind the scenes?

Dr. Christoph Mayer-Xanthaki
Dr. Mayer-Xanthaki ist seit 2008 an der Grazer Augenklinik. Als Oberarzt sind seine Spezialisierungen die Behandlung von Augentumoren, die Frühgeborenenretinopathie und Netzhauterkrankungen.

PerfektionPrivate Eye doctor

I will personally carry out your examination or surgery, if required, and all follow up appointments. We look after you from the very moment you call up to enquire, all the way through to the point you are discharged, and then anytime you may need us again. Our private clinic provides the ideal environment to examine and treat patients.

ProfessionalitätMedical University Ophthalmologic clinic Graz

The Medical University Eye Clinic in Graz has stood for more than 100 years of top-class medicine and research  and has become a focal point hospital in the Alps-Adriatic region. Since 2008 I am excited to be part of the team of the Medical University Eye Clinic in Graz.

QualitätPersonal Care

As a private ophthalmologist, my main goal is to deliver an evidence based, safe, and effective treatment that you trust based on thorough investigations. I am able to devote my time and attention to my patients and offer personal care at the highest Level.


MilestonesShort bio


Ernennung zum Oberarzt an der Augenklinik Graz


Netzhauthintergrunddienst an der Augenklinik Graz


Stellvertretender Leiter für Frühgeborenenretinopathieuntersuchungen


Ausbildung in Netzhaut- und Kataraktchirurgie


Facharzt für Augenheilkunde an der Augenklinik Graz


Auslandaufenthalt bei Prof. Bertil Damato (Liverpool Ocular Oncology Center, Liverpool, UK)




Facharztausbildung an der Augenklinik Graz

1998 -2006

Medizinstudium an der Medizinischen Universität Graz